The 4th of July!
We had a little different 4th this year. We didn't do any fireworks of our own...weird right? But we did do a BBQ up in the mountains and were able to watch EVERYONE'S FIREWORK SHOWS!!! We drove up to inspiration point and were going to hike to Ben Lommond, but we didn't quite make it. We stopped at a little out cropping between and sat in our camp chairs and watched magic happen. These pictures don't do it justice. I recommend everyone trying this at least once. It was way cool to see all the shows and everyone's little neighborhood fireworks. There were fireworks going off all over the place. It was hard to decide where to really look. It was just plain Awesome!
Flash in her spot. She really loves this spot.
Flash in our pretty backyard.
Cow Appreciation Day!
I got to dress up like a cow a few weeks ago and get a free meal from Chick-Fil-A. I went with the Atwoods. It was lots of fun and who doesn't like free food. Matt sadly had to work late and missed out.
The New Kitchen. Most of you probably won't appreciate these pictures as much as those that were able to see our last kitchen. This is a definite upgrade.
My Color Obsession!
I am absolutely in love with turquoise and red together. I still love orange, but for some reason I am digging this combination. :)
I spray painted these old chairs that I found at Savers. I got them both for 5 bucks. I already had the table and decided to make a cute patio set. I really really like it!
I painted this awhile ago... I suppose that it was the start of my color obsession. I hope one day to decorate a little girls room in these colors. I already have some fun ideas.
I was super excited to find some bright skinny jeans for pretty cheap... and yes I went for the red and turquoise although I can't wear them together.